
[:en]The number of export companies supported by Eximbank reached 13 thousand 102


The number of export companies supported by Eximbank reached 13 thousand 102

The minister said, “The total support of Eximbank in 2020 increased by 4 percent compared to 2019, to 45.6 billion dollars, and the export support rate increased from 24.3 percent to 26.9.”

Trade Minister Ruhsar Pekcan attended the “Turkish Eximbank’s 2020 Activity Results and 2021 Targets Meeting”.

“We will continue to get close to our exporters by opening 5 new branches of Eximbank”

Minister Pekcan expressed that 90 percent of 953 exporter companies that benefited from bank supports for the first time in the last year were SMEs.

Pekcan said that we will continue to be close to our exporters by opening 5 new branches of Eximbank in regions where exports are intense in 2021.

Minister Pekcan continued her statements as follows:

“Despite the negative effects of the pandemic on financial markets, Türk Eximbank continued to support our exporters by providing cost-effective resources to our country with approximately $ 2.8 billion funding from international markets. We have provided 7.9 billion TL with the Rediscount Loan Program offered to exporters to alleviate the impact of the epidemic on the economy.

Türk Eximbank paid special attention to meet the medium and long-term financing needs of exporters during the pandemic. Thus, its long-term credit support tripled compared to the previous year.”

“We include service exports under credit insurance”

Minister Pekcan said, “At Türk Eximbank, we take the service exports into the scope of receivable insurance. At Eximbank, our goal is to increase our export support by 11 percent this year to over $ 50 billion and export support to 27.7 percent.”

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