
[:en]Turkey ranks 15th in the world and 5th in Europe in renewable energy


The year 2020 has been a turning point for renewable energy’s development in Turkey.

Speaking at the webinar on “IICEC Turkey Energy Outlook 2020: Turkey Energy Summit Special Launch,” the Minister Dönmez said Turkey has taken important steps for a future of renewable energy and energy efficiency thanks to Renewable Energy Resource Zones (YEKA) tenders and license-free production.

“We increased the share of renewable energy in our total installed capacity to 60%. The share of power production from renewable energy reached 45% to 50%. Despite the fact that 2020 was not a very good year for the world, it has been a turning point for us in renewable energy,” he said.

In April, power production from local and renewable sources was at the level of 80% in Turkey, these numbers indicate records on a monthly basis since 2000.

The share of local resources in power production has continuously stood at the level of 50% on a monthly basis in the last 23 months, since December 2018. Turkey now ranks 15th in the world and fifth in Europe in terms of its capacity increase in renewables.

The installed capacity in renewables added in 2020 is more than the combined renewables capacity of 17 EU countries.

A considerable capacity increase in solar and wind power is projected for Turkey, as is the case globally, however, technology will be key in this increase, which will pave the way for new opportunities in these fields in the future.

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