
[:en]Turkish industrial capacity usage ticks up in November


Manufacturing industries operate at 75.8% of production capacity this month, says central bank

Turkey’s manufacturing industry’s capacity utilization rate rose on a monthly basis in November, the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) said on Tuesday.

The industry used 75.8% of its capacity this month, up 0.4 percentage point from last month, the bank survey revealed.

The capacity utilization figures are based on the responses given to its business tendency survey by local units operating in the manufacturing industry, according to the bank.

The Central Bank said that the monthly data does not reflect the CBRT’s views or predictions.

Among more than 20 sectors, the highest capacity usage was seen in the manufacturing of wood and wood/cork products — excluding furniture — with 83.1% this month.

The lowest capacity utilization rate was seen in the beverages sector, with 54.6%.

On the main industrial groups side, the highest capacity utilization rate was 77.6% for intermediate goods, while the lowest capacity usage was 72.6% in non-durable consumer goods.

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