
[:en]ASFAT to export Mine Clearing Equipment to Azerbaijan



Military Factory and Shipyard Management Inc. (ASFAT) will export Mechanical Mine Clearing Equipment (MEMATT) to Azerbaijan.

According to a statement made by the company, 20 vehicles will be available within the scope of the project for the production and delivery of Mechanical Mine Clearing Equipment. With the cooperation of the Military Factory and Shipyard Management Inc. (ASFAT) and the private sector, MEMATT, which is distinguished from the imported counterparts and surpasses them  in design, quality, cost, Research and Development system,  the ability of mass production, besides  the military-sourced facilities and capabilities, was made ready for use within 14 months by the TSK (Turkish Armed Forces) and throughout domestic sources.

By signing the contract with Azerbaijan, allowing the Production and Delivery of 20 Mechanical Mine Clearing Equipments, positive results could be immediately reaped. Thus, launching the MEMATT products into the neighbouring markets will have a positive effect on the services and the products of ASFAT in terms of opening new horizons for marketing internationally.

One of the important features of the MEMATT project is that the certification capability is fully achieved by national means.

It was established under the Ministry of National Defense on January 12, 2018, with the additional article 12 of the law numbered 1325. All of its capital belongs to the public.

Military Factory and Shipyard Management Inc. has over 30 years of construction, modernization, repair, maintenance and maintenance experience with qualified and expert workforce of 27 military factories and 3 military shipyards.

ASFAT also aims to improve operational excellence by simultaneously improving the capabilities, means and capacities of military factories and shipyards.

Military Factory and Shipyard Management Inc. which has the authority to make “State to State” agreements, plays an active role in solving possible export problems of companies in the defense industry.

It offers innovative solutions to it’s allies and friendly countries; so design, production, training, maintenance problems- can all be approached with new solutions based on partnership, cooperation and the synergy between the public and private sectors that aim for managing the life cycle.

ASFAT aims to increase the Turkish exports within its  main fields of activity in the defense industry. The structure of  competent personnel that has an internationalexperience, the efficient organization and the provided dynamism will improve the process of productivity and sales.

By selecting high technology areas, and prioritizing the Defense Industry; ASFAT’s main goal is to be among the top 100 brands in the world.

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