
[:en]Inauguration Today: OECD Istanbul Center

Inauguratıon Today OECD Istanbul Center


Preperations on establishing the OECD Istanbul Center was completed.

The center will officially start its activities with the inauguratıon to be held today. The OECD Center, which will be inaugurated in Istanbul today, will have the ability and authority to develop policies on all issues such as in Paris, unlike the narrow-scale offices in Italy and Hungary. OECD Istanbul will make Turkey a regional base of the OECD with a focus on the Balkans, the Middle East and North Africa.

It was stated that the general purpose of the center would be to increase the communication and data exchange of the member countries, to expand the cooperation and network and to develop policies in these areas. Istanbul OECD Center will carry out its activities under the titles of trade, entrepreneurship, competitiveness, public governance, innovation, development of human resources and infrastructure and green growth. In addition, the center will transfer the OECD instruments and best practice examples to Turkey.

It is the confirmation of Turkey’s reliability in international trade and economic fields

According to experts, the OECD’s opening with a full-fledged center in Istanbul, it is the confirmation of Turkey’s reliability in international trade and economic fields. With the opening of the center, Turkey would increase its involvement to the international economics and politics, consist of an environment in which to develop solutions related to chronic problems.

It aims to contribute to integrative goals such as strengthening communication between the public-private sector, organizing joint workshops and seminars with other national or international cooperation and organizations, and organizing high-level summits and meetings in this context, in particular to strengthen the communication between sustainable development and member countries.

The activities to be carried out in the center of Istanbul and the outcomes of these activities will also benefit the member countries in the network and associated with the Istanbul office. In this context, the workshops, summits and seminars will be conducted in accordance with the activities of the center and the attendance by the representatives of OECD member countries will contribute to increasing international recognition and awareness of Turkey.

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