
[:en]Turkey’s 3rd Q Economic Growth announced: 6.7%

[:en]The Turkish economy performed 6.7% growth in 2020’s third quarter despite the coronavirus, according to data the TurkStat (the country’s statistical authority) released on Monday.

The country’s GDP (gross domestic product) at current prices increased by 15.6% compared with previous quarter, 6.7% compared with the same quarter of the previous year.

The surprising figure will likely move forecasts up for the year’s end annual GDP growth, which is currently 0.3%.

The economy is projected to expand by 5.8% in 2021 after postponed consumption and investments are put into use and tourism revenues normalize.

GDP targets in the program are $702 billion for 2020 and $735 billion for the next year.

The country’s GDP growth was 4.5% in the Q1 and 9.9% in the Q2 due to the pandemic’s effects on the economy.

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